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The best plant fertilizers to keep your plants healthy

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How to prepare your garden for spring: Tips for a successful season
Make sure your garden is ready for spring with this checklist
Spring flowering bulbs

The seasons are changing once again, meaning it’s time to start getting your garden ready for spring. If you’ve planned your next garden and know what you want to plant, but aren’t sure when or how to prepare the garden for spring, then you’re in luck. We’ll walk you through everything you need to do to make sure your garden is in peak condition for the new season. From when to start to how to get your soil and plants ready, this guide will tell you everything you need to know.
Gathering your supplies

Before you can begin to prepare the garden for spring, make sure you have everything you’ll need. If you’re planning on ordering seeds or plants online, go ahead and place your order so you won’t have to wait for them to arrive after the garden has been prepared. This is also a great time to order supplies that you already know you’ll need for projects you want to tackle, or things you know you’re out of such as fresh potting soil or fertilizer.

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When and how do bananas reproduce? All your questions answered
Everything you need to know about how bananas grow
Banana tree with ripe fruit

Bananas are delicious, versatile, and full of nutrients our bodies need. They're enjoyed by both people and animals, and although they may not be the first fruit you think of when planning your garden, you can in fact grow them at home. If you’ve ever eaten a banana, though, you may have noticed that they don’t have seeds like an apple or orange.

You may be left wondering about how bananas reproduce. Do they actually have seeds after all, or is there another way to propagate them? If you aren't familiar with bananas, it can be frustrating to try and figure out what to do when you want to propagate them. To help you feel more prepared, we've put together this handy guide of everything you need to know about how bananas reproduce.
Where do bananas come from?

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Garlic as a pesticide: How to use it in your garden
Find out if this tasty kitchen staple can actually fight off pests
Garlic bulbs and cloves

Gardening is one of the best ways to beat stress and get in touch with nature. The problem is that cultivating plants sometimes leads to different kinds of stress: pests. When it comes to effective pest removal, gardeners have plenty of options at their disposal, from simply letting nature run its course to introducing predatory species that can help reduce pest pressure. Many choose to apply insecticides and pesticides, either organic or natural sprays or more heavy-duty chemical solutions. When pest pressure is highest, spraying may be the only option to save the plant. Here's a more unconventional hack: using garlic as a pesticide.

While using one plant to keep pests away from another might seem unusual, this method has been used for quite some time! While garlic isn't the only plant that can be used as a pesticide, it is one of the most popular, since it is easy to grow at home. If you want to learn more about how and why garlic as pesticide works, this is the guide for you.
Does garlic insecticide really work?

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