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The best planting soils for your plants to flourish

Going out to the backyard and extracting soil for your potted plants isn’t always the best idea. There could be harmful herbicides or pesky bugs that could eat away at your plant’s vegetation. This is why choosing a carefully curated potting mix is the best way to ensure a healthy plant. Read on to discover our top picks for planting soil.

There are many different types of potting mixes, all of which have various combinations of organic soil specially designed for different types of plants. Some potting mixes even have insect and bacteria repellents. Soils for succulents — which thrive in drier climates — are quicker to wick away moisture.

Miracle-Gro Indoor Potting Mix

Best Overall

For a go-to potting mix that’s going to help your indoor plants get the nutrition they need to thrive, try Miracle-Gro. This potting mix is suited for a wide variety of potted plants and is less susceptible to gnat infestations. Feed your plants for up to six months with this nourishing soil.

Perfect Plants All Natural Succulent and Cactus Soil

Best for Succulents

Succulents have very different needs from other house plants. They thrive in environments with less moisture and sufficient water drainage. Luckily, this soil is specially formulated to cater to all succulent types to ensure the right amount of water drainage and air flow. The mix includes garden coir, composted pine bark, perlite, and sand.

Burpee Organic Premium Potting Mix

Best Organic

If you’re looking for the best organic plant food option, try Burpee. Perfect for flowers, veggies, and herbs, this potting mix is ideal for container and raised bed gardening. This formula slowly releases nourishing food to your plants for up to three months. Its standout ingredient is coconut coir, a natural resource that prevents your plants from dehydration in between watering.

Perfect Plants Organic Potting Mix

For Fruits and Veggies

This all-natural potting mix is enriched with mycorrhizae for support in root growth and deterring harmful bacteria. Use Perfect Plants Organic Potting Mix to help your fruit and veggie plants blossom. This mix is primarily made up of three different soils: Perfect Plants Perlite, peat moss, and coconut coir.

You’ll be amazed at how your plants will flourish from the beneficial effects of potting mix. Never let your plant starve again! They need this planting soil as a sort of “plant food.” If you want your plant to grow and live to its full potential, grab a bag — or two — of these potting mixes pronto!

Grow borage like a pro: Tips for healthy, thriving plants
A guide on adding borage to your herb garden
Borage flowers close-up

Flowering herbs are useful for many reasons. Herb flowers are typically popular with pollinators, and the herb itself can be used for culinary or medicinal purposes. Borage is one flowering herb you may not have heard of, as it is less common than rosemary and thyme, for example. Still, borage can make a great addition to herb gardens, and it’s nice to have around.

If you’re not familiar with borage and want to know more about this lovely plant, this is the guide for you. We’ll explain everything you need to know about growing and caring for borage.
What is borage?

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When do banana trees fruit? Here’s what you should know
Your guide to banana harvest times
Banana tree with ripe fruit

Bananas are a delicious, nutritious, and versatile fruit. If you’re a fan of bananas, you might be interested in growing your own banana tree. These tropical trees can be grown easily in greenhouses for a hearty harvest of bananas. If you've planted your own banana trees, you might be wondering how long you'll have to wait before you can enjoy your fresh bananas. When do banana plants fruit, and what should you do if your banana tree isn't growing any fruit? We’ll answer all your banana questions so you know what to expect from your banana tree's harvest.
How long does it take banana trees to mature?

Banana trees are interesting, as they aren’t technically trees. They're actually herbaceous perennials, which is helpful since we no longer grow bananas from seeds. Instead, the roots of a banana tree send up a sucker, or smaller but still attached, plant. These suckers are then separated from the parent tree and planted elsewhere, to grow into a mature plant on its own.

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How to grow and care for California poppies: Tips for vibrant blooms
Growing stunning California poppy flowers
Orange California poppy flowers

Poppies are known for quite a few things. They have a beautifully simple shape, vibrant colors, and they are wildflowers. They also have a habit of spreading, and can escape from where they’re planted quite quickly. Unfortunately, most poppy species are also not native and can quickly become invasive due to their aggressive spreading habit. So, this may leave you wondering -- what about the California poppy? Is it actually native to California, and how can you grow it at home? To answer these questions and more, we’ve put together this handy guide to California poppy plant care!
What makes California poppies different from other poppies?

California poppies have quite a bit in common with other poppy species. They grow quickly from seeds, have the classic poppy shape, and are vibrantly colored. One thing that sets them apart from other poppies is that color, though. Unlike the classic red poppy or the icy blue Himalayan poppy, California poppy flowers are a bright golden orange. The shade of orange can range from a honey color that’s almost yellow to a pure orange and can even include some darker, more sunset orange tones.

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