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5 incredible hanging vegetable basket plants for your home garden

What to plant in a hanging vegetable basket and where to place it

Growing your own produce can be a rewarding hobby. It is fun, yields fresh vegetables, and saves you money on pricey produce in the grocery store. One particularly fun way to grow vegetables is in a hanging basket. There are many beautiful hanging vegetable garden ideas you can take inspiration from, and this is the perfect way to keep your delicious veggies off of the ground and away from pests. Not all vegetables flourish in hanging baskets, so check out some of the best types to grow in your floating garden.

Lettuce growing in hanging baskets
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Top 5 vegetables to grow in hanging baskets

Picking the right vegetables for your hanging basket garden is the first step toward planting success. Hanging vegetable plants can truly flourish if they are built for the floating lifestyle. Some of the best vegetables you can grow in hanging baskets at home include the following.

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Cherry tomatoes

If you have ever grown a cherry tomato plant before, then you know how wild the plant can get. Cherry tomatoes grow on long vines. These tomatoes are low-maintenance, making them great for hanging baskets. The long vines grow down and over the edges of the hanging basket for a natural look.


Growing your own lettuce can be great, especially if you love salads. There are a lot of benefits to growing your lettuce in hanging baskets, one being that you can keep it safe from slugs and other pests. Unlike cherry tomatoes, lettuce grows in a very compact form. There is no overhang, and the lettuce can grow nicely in the small space provided.


When a pea plant is fully grown, the thick and luscious green leaves can easily overtake the edges of a hanging basket. It almost looks like a ball of green leaves hanging from your front porch. Peas grow on long vines in bundles, making them perfect plants for hanging baskets. They are low-maintenance and easy to harvest. They also benefit from being off the ground and away from pests.


Another great option for growing vegetables in hanging baskets is the pepper. Many types of peppers can thrive in hanging baskets. Hot chili peppers, bell peppers, cherry peppers, banana peppers, and jalapeno peppers are just a few you can grow in your hanging baskets. It is the perfect way to bring some heat and spice to your outdoor garden.


When grown in hanging baskets, cucumbers tend to be straighter from hanging, more uniform, and less susceptible to pests. Harvesting your cucumbers is also a lot easier.

strawberries growing in a hanging basket
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Where should you hang a vegetable basket

Once you figure out what delicious vegetables you want to grow, you have to figure out where to hang these veggie baskets. There are a lot of options for locations for your hanging vegetable baskets. Each one has different benefits, and it really just comes down to preference.

Front porch or back deck

The front porch or back deck is a great option for hanging up your baskets. Depending on which way your home is facing, it is important to consider sunlight. If your home is facing the sunrise (in the east), you may want to consider putting your vegetables that require less sun on the back porch. It all depends on the type of vegetable, the direction of the sun, and the sun tolerance of each plant.

Inside a sunroom

Sunrooms can provide your vegetables with all the light they need and the protection from pests. They can be a great way to keep your plants safe from the elements as they get good sunshine.

Kitchen by a window

A smaller-sized hanging basket can fit in the kitchen, but it needs to be right by the window. It is also important to consider that the dirt from hanging baskets may cause a bit of a mess in your kitchen sink area.

On a tree

If you don’t have handy hooks ready for hanging up your baskets, you can simply use a nearby tree. Hanging your basket on a tree can be beneficial because it provides good shade and enough sunlight.

Hands holding soil
bluedog studio / Shutterstock

What soil is best for hanging vegetable baskets?

Soil is an important factor for a successful hanging basket. If you think about it, hanging baskets feature a lot of plants and root systems, but not very much soil. This is why the type of soil you use is so important. It can mean the difference between a bountiful harvest of veggies and a brown, dying plant.

Because of this, you need to choose a potting soil that has the following characteristics:

  • Holds moisture well.
  • Light, aerated, and breathable.
  • Heavy enough to hold the roots.

Many potting soils can check these boxes, so it is also important to look for some key ingredients that come with store-bought soil:

  • Peat moss
  • Pine bark
  • Perlite
  • Vermiculite

Using some of these tips and tricks will have you on your way to a successful hanging vegetable basket. Hanging planters are great for bringing gardening to the sky and celebrating the beauty that nature has to offer. Utilize some of these hardy vegetables that not only survive but also thrive in a hanging basket environment. You will love how bountiful your harvest will be each and every season.

How to use coffee grounds as fertilizer
Should you use coffee grounds on your blueberry bushes or other plants?
Dark coffee grounds in a silver measuring scoop

Enjoying a cup of coffee in your garden is a great way to start your morning, but did you know your garden might enjoy your leftover coffee grounds? Gardeners often recommend making fertilizer out of coffee grounds for blueberries or other acid-loving plants like azaleas. Coffee grounds are certainly easier to find and could be a more cost-effective option than fertilizer, but is it really an effective option? Before you start using coffee grounds in your garden, here's what you should know about how to use coffee grounds as fertilizer, especially with blueberry bushes.
Coffee grounds as fertilizer

Coffee grounds are mainly added to soil due to their high nitrogen content. Nitrogen is a key nutrient involved in plant growth and development. For soils that lack nitrogen, the boost that coffee grounds provide can be very helpful. However, it is a delicate balance. Too much nitrogen can actually stunt their growth.

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Orchard row

If you’ve ever picked your own fruit in the wide open spaces of an orchard, it’s easy to get the impression that fruit trees thrive in nothing less than full sun. The truth is that some crops really do need full sun, but there are also quite a few shade-tolerant fruit trees and bushes. Even if the fruit you want to grow needs full sun, there are some ways you can improve the amount of sun they get, even in a shaded area. We'll cover everything you need to know about fruits that grow in shade in this simple guide, so that you can start growing your own delicious fresh fruit.
Fruit trees need sunlight

It’s no secret that plants need sunlight to feed themselves through photosynthesis. Plentiful sunshine allows trees to convert energy from light into sugar to fuel flower production and fruit development. And, although the green skin on immature fruit can perform photosynthesis, the fruit still requires supplemental sugars provided by nearby leaves as its primary source. So, the leaves in the immediate area surrounding an individual fruit have the most influence on that fruit’s development.

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Purple and white columbine flowers

If a long, cold winter spent indoors has you feeling down, then planning a spring garden bursting with life and color is the ultimate pick-me-up. From fruit trees to ferns, there are a nearly endless number of plants you can choose from for your garden. It's overwhelming to figure out where to start. That’s why we’ve put together this guide on flowers to plant in spring to help you get started. Check out these lovely flowers, pick your favorites, and start planting today for your best spring garden yet.

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