Queen Anne's lace is a gorgeous and elegant flower that can spread to take over a space. If you want to control its growth, here's what you need to know.
Clover lawns are seeing an increase in popularity, but are they right for you? We'll explain the benefits and drawbacks of clover lawns to help you decide.
Zinnias are gorgeous, vibrant flowers that are easy to grow and care for. Are zinnias perennials or annuals, and will they return? Here's what to know.
Orchids are unique flowers that come in many colors, sizes, and shapes. Which is right for you? Here are our five favorite types of orchids to get your started.
Knowing what USDA hardiness zone you live in is important if you want to grow perennials outdoors. If you're confused about the zones, this guide is for you.
Coffee grounds can offer several benefits to our garden, but not every plant enjoys them. Here's your guide to what plants like coffee grounds and which don't.
If you're feeling impatient or confused while waiting to harvest your tomatoes, this is the guide for you. Here's what to know about when to pick tomatoes.
Sunflowers are known for their bright, cheerful flowers, but when can you expect to see those blooms? Here's what you need to know about when sunflowers bloom.
Desert rose flowers are vibrant and stunning. If you want to try growing one for yourself, here's everything you need to know about desert rose plant care.
Zoysia grass is a popular variety for lawns. It is hardy, low maintenance, and looks lovely. If you want a zoysia grass lawn, here's how to care for it.
Deadheading is beneficial to many flowers, including petunias. Here's everything you need to know about deadheading your petunias to encourage repeat blooming.
Perlite is a common soil additive, often found in potting soil. What exactly is perlite, and how does it benefit plants? This guide has answers for you.
Mulch is a useful tool, but there are several different types to choose from. Wondering which is the best mulch for your yard or garden? Here's what to know.
Columbine flowers are beautiful native wildflowers that thrive in partial shade. Bring the beauty of the native meadows to your garden by growing them.
Snake plants are beautiful and easy to grow, but are they safe for your dogs to be around? Here's what you can expect if your dog takes a bite of a snake plant.