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Latest by Kiera Baron

Exterior of greenhouse on concrete patio

Grow cold-hardy veggies in an unheated greenhouse this winter – here’s how

It's possible to grow cold-hardy veggies in an unheated greenhouse during the winter. Here's our complete guide.
Harvested lettuce in a bowl

How to grow lettuce indoors to ensure you have healthy greens all year

With just a few items and some patience, you can grow this salad staple right in your kitchen! Here's how to grow lettuce indoors.
Hanging potted Christmas cactus

How to care for a Christmas cactus, the festive, tropical plant

Here's how to care for the Christmas cactus to get beautiful, bold blooms over the holiday season.
Several peace lily plants growing outside

Worried about your peace lily’s leaves turning yellow? Here’s how to save it

Are your peace lily's leaves turning yellow? Here's what you need to do.
A person holding a basket full of assorted vegetables

The best vegetables to plant in December

Vegetables planted in December need to grow indoors, and then you transplant them in the spring. We list the ones that are ideal for this.
An orchid in a pot on the table

How to revive an orchid that’s struggling and return it to its majestic former glory

Orchids are beautiful houseplants, but they require some specific care. If yours isn't looking so great anymore, follow this guide to restore its beauty.
Top-down view of a variegated potted pothos

How to repot pothos: If your pothos plant has gotten out of hand, here’s what to do

How to repot your pothos plant if its growth has gotten out of hand.
A person holding a small potted cactus with several other cacti in the background

Don’t know how often you need to water your cactus? We have answers that might surprise you

If your cactus is overwatered or underwatered and you just can't seem to figure out what it needs, we've got you covered with this easy guide.
Potted green cordyline plants on the ground

Cordyline care: How to make your cordyline plants thrive and bring the tropics indoors

Cordylines are native tropical plants, but with the proper care, they can thrive inside of your home.
Anthurium blooms

Everything you need to know about indoor anthurium care

Because the anthurium is a tropical plant, indoor care can be finicky unless you have the right conditions. We'll show you how to grow it indoors.
Five grown tomatoes

If you’re curious about growing tomatoes indoors during winter, here’s what to do

Growing tomatoes inside during the winter is possible. If environment conditions are met, you'll enjoy a fresh indoor harvest!
Pothos vines

How to prune pothos to keep them tidy and thriving

How to prune your pothos to make sure it continues to thrive
A succulent in a gift box

The 5 best places to buy succulents online to start your plant collection

Want to buy succulents online but don't know where to look? These websites are a good place to start!
A person propagating pothos plants

Can you propagate plants in the fall? Focus on these plants if you do

Here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind when you plan on propagating your plants this fall.
A bundle of fresh mugwort

Grow these herbs for Halloween to make your celebration even spookier

Enrich your Halloween celebration by growing these plants in your herb garden this month.
Coriander seeds and cilantro leaves

Coriander vs. cilantro: Here’s how these herbs differ

Have you ever wondered about how cilantro and coriander are actually different? Here's what to know.
A person potting plants

5 tips for starting an amazing basement garden

Basements can grow great plants. Here's how you can convert yours into an amazing garden space for a bountiful harvest.
Person watering a plant box

Wondering how much water a plant needs? Here’s what you need to know

Wondering how much water a plant needs to be happy? Get yourself and your plants on a schedule! Here's what we recommend.
A group of houseplants

Is there mold in your plant soil? What you need to know

Worried about fungus on your beloved houseplants? Here's how to tell if those spots are mold and how to get rid of them.
Unfurling calla lily

Want to start calla lily seeds? Here’s what to do

Starting calla lilies from seeds? Here's what you need to know about germinating and transplanting them.
Bromeliads in bloom

Do bromeliads die after flowering? Everything you need to know about blooming bromeliads

Flowering bromeliad care depends on whether or not you want to encourage new bromeliads pups. Remember that each bromeliad only blooms once.
Freshly harvested spinach leaves in a bowl

Here’s what you need to know about spinach germination time and how to grow this salad staple

Spinach is a low-maintenance and fast-growing cool-weather plant. Here's what you need to know about spinach germination time.
Person picking blackberries

How to propagate blackberries: Easy ways to increase your berry harvest

There are several effective ways to propagate blackberries to increase your harvest. Here are some of our favorites.
Begonia blooms side by side on table

This is how often you should be watering your begonias

The watering needs of begonias can change with how mature they get. Our step-by-step guide will help you ensure beautiful blooms.
Lithops in a collection of pots

Lithops care: How to plant, water, and tend to your living stone plants

Lithops, unlike other houseplants, are very finicky when it comes to water. Here's how to care for them.
Spider plant on a table

How to propagate spider plants for beautiful, easy home decor

Mature spider plants produce babies that stem from the parent. Here's how to grow them into lovely new spider plants.
A person mowing their lawn

Why you should absolutely be composting grass clippings

Mowing the lawn leaves you with bags or piles of clippings. Before you get rid of them, consider composting them for healthy, natural fertilizer!
A bundle of fresh carrots

How to know when to harvest carrots for the best yield and the tastiest results

When all you see are leafy greens, how can you tell when your carrots are ready to be pulled up? Here's what you need to know.
A small red ant

Everything you need to know about how to get rid of ants in the garden

Nothing ruins a backyard picnic like an invasion of ants. Follow this guide to get rid of those pesky ants.
A small aloe vera

Worried about your sick aloe vera plant? Here’s how to save it

Here's everything that you can do to cure your sick aloe plant after identifying the root of the problem.
An anthurium in a pot

How to repot anthuriums so they continue to thrive in your home

A complete guide to repotting anthuriums successfully so that they continue to fill your home with beauty.
Freshly cut watermelon slices

When should you harvest watermelons? What you need to know

Watermelon size doesn't always tell you the whole story. Sometimes you should pick earlier or later than you think.
Hanging outdoor string lights

Is it safe to cut string lights hanging over your deck?

Should you cut the lights hanging over your deck? Here's how to make the right — and safe — decision.
A gardener fertilizing a young plant

When to apply fertilizer to your vegetable garden for the best, tastiest results

Looking forward to those tasty summer veggies? Here's when to apply fertilizer to your vegetable garden for the best harvest.
Cut aloe vera

How to cut and harvest your aloe vera plant for the best results

Here's a guide to cutting and harvesting an aloe vera plant for the best results.